434 Sportsplex Winter Indoor Baseball League Rules

This League is aimed to be a constructive team developmental opportunity to support local Travel Baseball Clubs

1. No Gum / Sunflower Seeds allowed within the 434 Sportsplex!

2. USA / USSSA Bats are permitted

3. All games will be played to a 1:40 time limit; Finish the batter! No inning or game Mercy Rules are in effect

4. 8 Players shall be in the field defensively (2 outfielders)

5. Teams must bat the entire lineup present without change (unless there is an injury)

6. Coaches are welcome to surround the perimeter of the playing field to instruct their defensive players

7. No Dropped 3 rd Strike / No Infield Fly Rule

8. No Leading off; Ball must cross the plate or be put in play before the player leaves the base

9. Balls hit in fair territory but strike the facility ceiling/rafters/structure will be considered a Foul Ball

10. Stealing is allowed except for Home on a past ball; Can Steal Home on an overthrow to the Pitcher

11. Balls hit in the air against the net to the long side of the outfield are an automatic double; Runners advance 2 bases

12. Balls that hit off the wall/net to the short side of the outfield are an automatic single; Runners advance 1 base

13. Balls cannot be caught for outs that first strike any side net or facility structure

14. No head first slides allowed, except when returning to a base

15. In the event of a close play, a player must slide; Will be called out at the Umpire’s Discretion for safety purposes

16. Bunting is allowed; Batters squaring to bunt may not pull back and swing (slashing); Results in an automatic out

17. Courtesy runner is allowed for catcher with 2 outs to speed up the game; must be the last player to make an out

18. Pitcher may not pitch more than 2 innings a game

19. Pitcher may not return to the mound in the same game after being removed from the Pitcher position

20. One mound visit per inning; on the Second visit within an inning or if the coach feels the pitcher cannot go any longer,

the inning will be over and any runners on base may be scored if score is being kept; No pitcher changes mid-inning